Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Chilling in Vrasida with my new H&M swimsuit! ;)

Hello sweet readers!

How are you? This week-end I went to northern Greece in the region of Kavala. It's like 4hours by car from Sofia; To be more precise we went in a small wild inlet situated very close to the village of Nea Peramos, called Vrasida.
The weather was beautiful, the sea wasn't hot enough to swim but it was perfect for sunbathing! It was for me the occasion to try my new lace one piece swimsuit from H&M. It is relatively thick, so it is better not to get wet. Nevertheless, I found this swimsuit perfect and original especially for its price: 9,99 euros!

Do you like it?



Ps: For those who are not yet convinced about one-piece swimsuits, you can read this ;) 

I'm wearing:
One-piece lace swimsuit H&M, shop here
Denim shorts H&M Very old collection
Sunnies Chanel 


  1. Replies
    1. Merci Laetitia! Il existe en 2 autres coloris, franchement pour 10e il fait super bien la blague je trouve ;)

  2. Wahou, super jolie ce maillot! Ça donne envie de partir en vacances :)
    Bises, à bientôt

  3. Ce une pièce est magnifique !!! Ca te va trop bien !
